Use the Vento template engine to create pages and layouts.
Options See on
- extensions string[]
The list of extensions this plugin applies to
Default:[ ".vento", ".vto" ]
- includes string
Custom includes path
- options object
The options for the Vento engine
- dataVarname string
- Default:
Vento is a template language created by the same creator as Lume (Óscar Otero) and inspired by other popular template engines like Nunjucks, Liquid or Eta. This plugin allows you to use it to create pages and layouts.
Import this plugin in your _config.ts
file to use it:
import lume from "lume/mod.ts";
import vento from "lume/plugins/vento.ts";
const site = lume();
site.use(vento(/* Options */));
export default site;
Creating layouts
Add a file with .vto
extension in the _includes
directory. Use the front matter to set data to the template.
title: Welcome to my page
intro: This is my first post using Lume. I hope you like it!
<title>{{ title }}</title>
<p>{{ intro }}</p>
Creating pages
Creating pages is the same as creating layouts; just place the .vto
file outside the _includes